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8 Rules Of Love

Lauren Forbes

When you like a flower, you pluck it. When you love a flower you water it daily.

On this special holiday, I wanted to share one of my favorite books on L-O-V-E.

The book is called 8 Rules of Love by Jay Shetty. I had the honor of meeting Jay Shetty at our most recent COMPASS REtreat in San Diego and was immediately impressed with his ability to be completely present with me even though we were surrounded by lots of other people, cameras and well, chaos!

He gifted me his book which emphasizes self-reflection and personal growth as foundational for healthy relationships, urging us to understand ourselves before seeking connection with others. This message deeply resonates with me, particularly as I am newly engaged and soon to be married.

In Jay's book, he lays out eight simple, yet powerful rules, organized into four parts: Solitude, Compatibility, Healing, and Connection. Whether you're reading alone or with your partner, it provides valuable insights and practical tools to strengthen bonds and deepen understanding. Through relatable personal stories and down-to-earth advice, Jay highlights the dedication and effort needed to nurture relationships, focusing on key aspects like communication, vulnerability, and mutual growth.

In a world where relationships are often portrayed as picture-perfect, this book serves as a timely reminder that genuine connections require genuine effort and understanding. It's not about chasing an idealized version of love, but about investing in real, meaningful connections.

For anyone seeking to build or enrich their relationships, "8 Rules of Love" offers a roadmap to lasting connection and fulfillment. Run to get it!

Happy Valentines! Much LOVE!

- Lauren


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